"You miss 100% of the shots you never take." -Doug and Alex

-Wayne Gretzky

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why I Write (Doug)

Within the last few weeks, I have found myself having to defend the blog more and more. At parties, groups of girls circle, whispering and pointing at me until one finally builds the courage to ask me if I am "the kid that writes the blog." Others are more blunt. I have been told that our blog is "demeaning to women" and that I'm not Tucker Max. Sometimes, the feedback is positive. Just last week a girl approached me and said "I read your last post. It was really nice and sweet. I liked it a lot." Generally, when a girl (or group) tells me that I'm "disgusting" or an "a******" I simply ask them whether or not they have read it. Surprisingly, most who hate on me, haven't read a single word. They simply believe the rumor mill. I have found that most everyone who has read the blog has mostly positive things to say about it. Sure, there may be some questionable parts, but to say that it is demeaning to women might be a tad harsh. My only hope is that before you pass judgement on my writing, take the time to read several posts. If you do that, I feel as though it will be hard to find anything too wrong with "The Journey of Two Imperfect Guys."

This finally leaves me with the question as to why I write. Why do I continue something that has brought me such turmoil? I mulled over this question quite a while. Finally, I remembered something that I once learned in English class. A great writer doesn't write for his audience, but for himself. I write for myself, not for Alex, the kids in my dorm, or my friends from home. Of course, I hope that everyone enjoys my writing. It is my desire that the observations I make are discussed and the reality of what I say is discovered. My only goal is to show how crazy we make something that is seemingly so simple, and my only hope is that you take time to consider what I say before you judge it.

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