It all happened yesterday evening, when sitting around the kitchen my aunt made a shocking proclamation, "I think in any marriage there is one person who is more in love than the other. Love is not symmetrical." Upon hearing this, my immediate instinct was to protest. Yes, it is true, I have documented a few of my less savory moments with girls, but this did not prevent me from some still believing that somewhere in the great abyss of love there was something about a man and a woman being together that was pure. Perhaps it is naive, but I had always assumed that it was possible to find a couple that loved each other passionately and with vigor; that the sum of their love would be equal, even if it stemmed from different reasons. With this in mind, I pulled together an argument to support my beliefs. The discussion was waged for several minutes, and while no definitive answer was reached, I felt a bit shaken.
Following dinner, my thoughts once again began to ponder what my aunt had said. I went over all of my past relationships, the smallest details, and the most obvious flaws in an attempt to try and find some sort of answer. Now obviously, my high school relationships were no where near anything like love, but it was the only real thing I could draw any experience from. Slowly, what my aunt had said began to make sense. I thought of the girl from "sometimes its just too easy" and the girl that I mentioned in the previous post. I thought to myself, why would they do what they did? Why put themselves out there in a situation that seemed so precarious? In this moment, I realized that they simply cared more than me. Obviously, at some point I had stupidly liked them enough to date them, but throughout the relationship they became much more smitten with me than I was with them. Our "love" wasn't symmetrical.
Despite realizing that relationships, and even marriages are not always even, I still believe that there are many that are. It is possible for a couple to be head over heels for each other. Many relationships are founded upon an equal passion; a passion that over time festers into an intense relationship. I believe, at times, this passion tears people apart, and it is what makes love so unique. Sharing with someone an intense feeling is something that is difficult, and must be fought for. It is the most trying type of love; one that both builds and destroys. It exists, because if it didn't, love wouldn't be complicated.